Important Information

Opening hours & rates

The rental price is based on pick-up and drop-off during working hours (from 9:00 to 18:00). For non-working hours, the following additional charges will apply: from 6 to 9 – 10€, from 18 to 20 – 10€, from 20 to 6 – 25€.

If you need a different address or delivery outside working hours, contact us, and we’ll arrange it.


When renting a car in Slovenia, a deposit in cash is left. The deposit is returned when the car is delivered clean, with fuel (a full tank is issued), at a set time

How to calculate the number of days?

The number of days is calculated in 24 hour periods, 24 hours from the moment the car was issued, upon the occurrence of the following 24 hours is considered the next day. Excess is paid extra.

Can I return the car later?

If you return the car without prior written approval, a €70 penalty will apply, plus extra charges for the additional rental time

How can I book a car?

To confirm the reservation, it is enough to make an advance payment of 30% of the rental price. In case of cancellation of the reservation or non-arrival at the agreed time and place without additional agreement, the prepayment is non-refundable, the term and amount of the lease are not changed.

Attention! If you book a car less than 24 hours before pickup, wait for a written confirmation from our representative. Without it, the order is not considered accepted.

How many km is the mileage limit?

When using a car inside Slovenia, the mileage is unlimited, outside Slovenia mileage limit is 500 km per day.

Can I travel outside of Slovenia?

Our cars are allowed to travel outside the border of the Republic of Slovenia, you just need agree with us which countries the trip is planned